• Honoring achievments

    The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is proud to honor the many outstanding achievements of its alumni. Below we list awards chemical engineering and biomedical engineering alumni have received from the Iowa State University Alumni Association.

Alumni Medal

The Alumni Medal represents long loyal service to the university through alumni-related activities. It is one of the highest awards given to alumni by the Iowa State University Alumni Association.

2005 – Michael R. Steffenson (BSChE’59)

1996 – O. Robert Eddy (BSChE’40)

Alumni Merit Award

The Alumni Merit Award honors an alumnus or alumna’s outstanding contributions to human welfare that transcend purely professional accomplishments.

1972 – Robert K. Dix (BSChE’39)

1971 – Monte C. Throdahl (BSChE’41)

1970 – Richard A. Jay (BSChE’39)

1969 – J. Hoyt Chaloud (BSChE’43)

1969 – Manley R. Hoppe (BSChE’32, MSChE’35)

1956 – Roscoe C. Wagner (BSChE 1919)

Anson Marston Medal

Iowa State University established the Anson Marston Medal in 1938 in honor of Anston Marston, the first dean of Engineering. The Marston Medal recognizes alumni of the College of Engineering for outstanding achievement in advancing engineering science, technology, or policy having national and international impact in academics, industry, public service, government, or other venues.

2022 – Mark Lashier (BSChE’85, Ph.D.ChE’89)

2020 – Lori Ryerkerk (BSChE’83)

2018 – Timothy J. Anderson (BSChE’73)

2015 – Mary Jane Hagenson (MSBiomedE’76, PhDBiomedE’80)

2013 – Dale L. Fridley (BSChE’58)

2011 – Kenneth L. Garrett (BSChE’64)

2010 – Michael R. Steffenson (BSChE’59)

2009 – G. Paul Willhite (BSChE’59)

2006 – Lanny Robbins (BSChE’61, MSChE’63, PhDChE’66)

2001 – James R. Katzer (BSChE’65)

1986 – Allen F. Jacobsen (BSChE’47)

1985 – William A. Oppold (BSChE’43)

1983 – Otto N. Miller (BSChE’30)

1968 – Ronald L. McVey (BSChE’24)

1962 – Ward D. Henderson (BSChE’32)

Distinguished Alumni Award

This is the highest honor given to alumni by Iowa State University through the ISU Alumni Association. This award honors ISU alumni who are nationally and/or internationally recognized for preeminent contributions to their professions or life’s work.

2016 – Charles F. Lettow (BSChE’62)

2013 – Nicholas L. Reding (BSChE’56)

2011 – Allen F. Jacobson (BSChE’47)

1996 – James E. Halligan (BSChE’62, MSChE’65, PhDChE’67)

1984 – Robert W. Gerwig (BSChE’52)

1982 – Otto N. Miller (BSChE’30)

Impact Award

The Impact Award recognizes individuals, businesses, organizations, or units whose programs or accomplishments brought broad recognition to the university and increased the involvement of ISU constituents in the life of the university during the year prior to being nominated.

2001 – Richard C. Seagrave (MSChE’59, PhDChE’61)

James A. Hopson Alumni Volunteer Award

The James A. Hopson Alumni Volunteer Award recognizes Iowa State University graduates, age 40 and under, who demonstrate early volunteer leadership in the Iowa State University Alumni Association or alumni-related activities and who are members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association.

2003 – Kari L. Roehr (BSChE’97, BS Food Science ’97)

Order of the Knoll Faculty and Staff Award

The Order of the Knoll Faculty and Staff Award recognizes an individual or couple currently employed by or retired from Iowa State University who has/have provided dedicated and long-term professional and volunteer service and creative leadership to the Iowa State University Foundation and Iowa State through the advancement of philanthropy.

2011 – George Burnet (BSChE’48, MSChE’49, PhDChE’51) along with wife, Agatha Huepenbecker Burnet (MS Textiles and Clothing ’56)

Outstanding Young Alumni Award

The Outstanding Young Alumni Award recognizes Iowa State University alumni, age 40 and under, who have excelled in their professions and provided service to their communities.

2019 – Michael Anctil (BSChE’08)

2017 – Meghan Watt (BSChE’02)

2011 – Bryce J. Freeman (BSChE’96)

1986 – Gregory R. Carmichael (BSChE’74)

1978 – James A. Cunningham (BSChE’68)

1978 – John R. Weichman (BSChE’66)

1974 – Gary L. Mossman (BSChE’63, BS Engr. Ops. ’63)

1971 – Risdon W. Hankinson (PhDChE’67)

1971 – Judson M. Harper (BSChE’58, MS Food Tech. ’60, PhDFoodTech’63)

1969 – Ronald O. Baukol (BSChE’59)

Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering (PACE)

The PACE Award was established in 1968 to recognize superior technical or professional accomplishments in research, development, administration, education, and other engineering activities; the citation recognizes alumni/alumnae eminently known for their professional competence and creativity.

2022 – Mark Ellison (BSChE’00)

2020 – Edward Maginn (BSChE’87)

2019 – Brian Anderson (PhDChE’02)

2019 – Maria Westfall (BSChE’77)

2018 – Jim Fay (BSChE’74)

2017 – Huiquan Wu (Ph.D.ChE’01)

2016 – Dennis J. Vaughn (BSChE’70)

2015 – Robert A. Lane (BSChE’68)

2014 – John M. Kaiser (MSChE’87)

2013 – Mark E. Lashier (BSChE’85, PhDChE’89)

2013 – W. Mark Saltzman (BSChE’81)

2012 – Karen M. Albertson (BSChE’83)

2012 – Deniz Uner (PhDChE’94)

2011 – Paul F. Fisher (BSChE’87)

2011 – Nick L. Wilson (BSChE’67)

2011 – Gary L. Griswold (BSChE’67)

2010 – Umit S. Ozkan (PhDChE’84)

2009 – Gayle A. Roberts (BSChE’81)

2008 – Daniel H. Yoder (BSChE’80)

2007 – Timothy J. Anderson (BSChE’73)

2006 – Mary Jane Hagenson (MSBiomedE’76, PhDBiomedE’80)

2005 – Bruce H. Grasser (BSChE’64)

2004 – James N. Petersen (PhDChE’79)

2003 – Peter C. Hemken (BSChE’77)

2002 – Terry S. King (BSChE’75)

2001 – Sidney Banwart (BSChE’68)

2000 – Franklin J. Stermole (BSChE’57, MSChE’61, PhDChE’63)

1999 – John D. Foster (BSChE’65)

1999 – Joseph T. Sullivan (BSChE’62)

1997 – Ashok B. Amin (MSChE’63, PhDChE’66)

1996 – Jerald L. Schnoor (BSChE’72)

1995 – Robert M. Baldwin (BSChE’69, MSChE’72)

1995 – Carl A. Bluedorn (BSChE’31)

1995 – Gordon R. Coons (BSChE’61)

1995 – David G. Smith (BSChE’70, MSChE’72)

1995 – G. Paul Willhite (BSChE’59)

1994 – David W. Arnold (MSChE’63, PhDChE’66)

1994 – Dale L. Fridley (BSChE’58)

1994 – Herbert H. Sawin (BSChE’73)

1994 – John L. Witt (BSChE’56)

1993 – Ted M. Knowlton (BSChE’65, MSChE’67, PhDChE’71)

1992 – M. Edward Morrison (BSChE’61)

1991 – Wayne J. Genck (BSChe’66, MSChE’67, PhDChE’69)

1990 – Roman Schoenherr (PhDChE’59)

1989 – Richard L. Baldwin (BSChE’57)

1989 – Melvin S. Brown (BSChE’42, MSChE’44, PhDChE’49)

1988 – John M. Campbell (BSChE’43)

1988 – Joe D. Cunning (BSChE’58, MSChE’62, PhDChE’65)

1987 – Leonard A. Cohn (BSChE’64)

1987 – James H. Davis (BSChE’56)

1987 – Frank E. Hoffman (BSChE’56)

1987 – Michael R. Steffenson (BSChE’59)

1986 – Ronald O. Baukol (BSChE’59)

1986- Alva L. Frye (BSChE’43)

1986 – Judson M. Haper (BSChE’58, MSFoodTech’60, PhDFoodTech’63)

1986 – Jerry L. Loupee (BSChE’62)

1985 – James E. Gabrielson (BSChE’56, MSChE’61, PhDChE’64)

1985- John G. McDonald (BSChE’57)

1985 – Lanny A. Robbins (BSChE’61, MSChE’63,PhDChE’66)

1984 – James E. Halligan (BSChE’62, MSChE’65, PhDChE’67)

1984- William S. Foster (BSChE’33)

1983 – Bernard P. Breen (PhDChE’64)

1983 – Allen F. Jacobson (BSChE’47)

1983 – James R. Katzer (BSChE’64)

1982 – Harold C. Kaufman (BSChE’51, MSChE’56)

1982 – John L. Overholt (BSChE’32)

1981 – Reginald R. Baxter (MSChE’49)

1981 – John M. Sharf (BSChE’31, MSChE’32, PhD’37)

1980 – Ronald L. Johnson (BSChE’34)

1979 – Richard A. Jay (BSChE’39)

1979 – Walter Keffer (BSChE’39)

1979 – Leonard Lewis (BSChE’48)

1979 – Roscoe Wagner (BSChE’19)

1978 – J. Hoyt Chaloud (BSChE’43)

1978 – Hack Gieck (BSChE’47)

1978 – Thomas S. Leary (PhDChE’42)

1977 – Robert W. Gerwig (BSChE’52)

1977 – Alan D. Rudolph (MSChE’59)

1976 – Willis M. Cooper (BSChE’35)

1975 – Arnold L. Ayres (BSChE’38)

1975 – Donald L Porth (BSChE’38)

1974 – Stanley B. Haas (BSChE’48)

1973 – William A. Oppold (BSChE’43)

1973 – Jack H. Doores (BSChE’44)

1972 – G. Leon Bridger (PhDChE’38)

1971 – C.C. Candee (BSChE’34)

1971 – J.J. Martin (BSChE’39)

1970 – Roger W. Richardson (MSChE’28, PhDChE’30)

1970 – Loren V. Roman (BSChE’34)

1969 – Wilfred S. Martin (BSChE’30)

Professional Progress in Engineering Award (PPEA)

The PPEA was created to recognize outstanding professional progress, personal development, and distinguished community service by engineering alumni under the age of 46.

2016- Matt J. Kipper (BSChE’00, PhDChE’04)

2015 – Michael Determan (BSChE/Econ’01, PhDChE’06)

2015 – Venkat Raman (PhDChE’03)

2013 – Cory J. Berkland (BSChE’98)

2013 – Devin C. Shepard (BSChE’97)

2011 – Kari L. Roehr (BSChE’97)

2010 – Russell E. Gorga (MSChE’97, PhDChE’02)

2010 – R. Kirk Thompson (PhDChE’99)

2009 – Sridhar Desikan (PhDChE’97)

2009 – Meiyu Shen (PhDChE’99)

2008 – Leigh Hagenson Thompson (BSChE’93, PhDChE’97)

2006 – Will D. Schroeder (PhDChE’01)

2006 – T. J. Paskach (BSChE’90, PhDChE’02)

2004 – Daniel C. Coy (BSChE’86, PhDChE’93)

2001 – Rod R. Fisher (BSChE’81, MSChE’84, PhDChE’87)

2001 – Bart J. Waters (BSChE’82)

2000 – W. Mark Saltzman (BSChE’81)

2000 – Richard P. Beem (BSChE’79)

1999 – Michael K. Dowd (MSChE’84, PhDChE’86)

1999 – Umit S. Ozkan (PhDChE’84)

1996 – Dianne Milianta (BSChE’85)

1996 – Jean E. Wallace (BSChE’81)

1995- Karen M. Albertson (BSChE’83)

1994 – Daina Briedis (PhDChE’81)

1994 – Jacqueline V. Shanks (BSChE’83)

1993 – Timothy J. Anderson (BSChE’73)

1993 – Jon A. Peacock (BSChE’77)

1993 – Ram Ramanarayanan (PhDChE’82)

1992 – Carol Ann Johnson (BSChE’80)

1992 – Daniel W. Marsh (BSChE’79, PhDChE’83)

1992 – Kenneth Nielsen (BSChE’71, MSChE’74, PhDChE’77)

1990 – Chris A. Berglund (PhDChE’81)

1989 – Gregory R. Carmichael (BSChE’74)

1989- Jerald L. Schnoor (BSChE’72)

1989 – Glenn L. Schrader (BSChE’72)

Wallace E. Barron All-University Senior Award

The Wallace E. Barron All-University Senior Award recognizes outstanding seniors who display high character, outstanding achievement in academics and university/community activities, and promise for continuing these exemplary qualities as alumni.

2008 – Rachel C. Iheanacho (BSChE’08)

2003 – Sarah T. Bauer (BSChE’03, BAMusic’03)

2001 – Ana C. Flores (BSChE’01)

1997 – Kari L. Roehr (BSChE’97, BS Food Science & Human Nutrition ’97)

1996 – Bryce J. Freeman (BSChE’96)

1995 – Lia Pierson (BSChE’95)

1987 – Diane E. Kremer (BSChE’87)

1980 – John F. Conley (BSChE’80)

1972 – Jerald L. Schnoor (BSChE’72)

1968 – James A. Cunningham (BSChE’68)